The Miraculous

Relic of the True Cross

- Consecration of Myself to Your Most Holy Face, O' Jesus -

O' Adorable Face of my Lord Jesus, I humbly prostrate/stand myself in Thy divine presence, I desire to consecrate myself wholly & solely to Thee and henceforth to live only for Thee, I surrender all! < press


Why have I not at my disposal, the hearts of all creatures, in order to offer them up as an holocaust to Thee? Alas! O' well beloved Holy Face of my God, I have only myself; unworthy as it is of

Thy attention and often rebelling against the movements of Thy grace; nevertheless, I give it all unto Thee, my poor heart;

and I consecrate it unto Thee, in order that, from this moment and during all the days of my life, it may be inflamed with the holy ardor of Thy divine love. Purify it, warm it with the blessed rays of Thy eternal light of peace & love, so that I may henceforth exclaim with the prophet king: «Lord, the light of Thy Face is engraved upon me; Thou hast caused joy to spring forth in my heart. ( Ps. iv, 7. ) I offer Thee then this very day in time, deliberately and with great joy,

the sacrifice of all the delights which may be offered me on earth.

Accept, O' Adorable Face of my Lord Jesus,

O' Thou whom I love more than aught else in the world; accept the homage of myself, which I present to Thee at this moment.

I thrill with gladness and with love, whilst thus consecrating to Thee the whole of my being. Yes, I offer and I consecrate to Thee my heart, my body, my soul, my spirit, and my life;

my heart, to love only Thee, O' beauty ever ancient and ever new;

my body, to serve as an instrument of reparation

and of all that belongs to Thy glory;

my soul, to reflect unceasingly the image of Thy different graces;

my spirit, to think only upon Thee,

and upon all that will tend to spread devotion to Thee;

my life, my whole life, all it's joy, all it's sorrow, all it's miserable sins, all it's regrets of injustice, all it's wrong decision doings and all it's pain; in order that it may be penetrated with Thy sweet memory, 

and filled with actions worthy Thy Precious Name, 

so that I may one day merit that life eternal, in which, 

according to the expression of Thy apostle, I may contemplate Thee, no longer as in an enigma and through a mirror, 

but face to face, and as Thou truly art. 

Whilst waiting until that 'Great Day of the LORD' shall come. 

O' Holy Face of Jesus, make me walk here below; in this valley of tears, in the light of Thy benign eyes, that when I shall appear before Thee, Thou may-est name me by my name, Thou may-est kiss me with the kiss of Thy mouth, and Thou may-est introduce me into the immortal society of the blessed who are occupied without ceasing in contemplating Thee, praising Thee, adoring Thee, and eternally singing Thy mercies. Amen.



Adorable Face of my Jesus, my only love, my light and my life, grant that I may see no one except Thee, that I may know no one except Thee, that I may love Thee alone, that I may live with Thee, of Thee, by Thee, and for Thee, and only Thee. Amen. 

O' well beloved Face of my Lord Jesus! 

humbly I prostrate/stand in Thy presence, 

I adore Thee for those who refuse to adore Thee; I love Thee 

and I pray to Thee, for those who refuse to love Thee and who blaspheme Thee. Unhappy madmen! if they knew Thee better, 

with what repentance and confusion would they turn towards Thee, how they would seek to make compensation to Thee for all which Thou hast suffered for us! The audacity of impiety has increased, 

a clamor issuing from hell has been raised for the purpose of denying Thy divinity and outraging the Church, a diabolical pact has been formed against God and against his Christ. It is for me, 

a faithful Christian, to close my ranks under the banner 

of the Holy Face, to multiply my phalanx of reparation, 

to offer to Thee, O' Jesus, as did Veronica, the veil of my love 

and of my veneration. I need no longer, O' Merciful Face, 

envy the happiness of that heroic woman; I may, like her, 

wipe Thy tears away, gather Thy blood, and solace Thy sufferings. 

O' Sacred Face! permit me to weep over the crimes of my erring brethren. Enable me to repair, by my sighs and my love, the attempts made against Thy divinity. Ah! I attest that divinity which has its habitation in Thee, with my whole heart; and if, in order to maintain it, the sacrifice of our life were necessary, I would joyously make an offering of it to Thee. O' well beloved Face of my Lord Jesus Christ! 

let Thy eyes of mercy and compassion rest upon me. 

Pardon this deicidal century, which refuses to bend its proud head

 to Thy sovereign authority. Dissipate, by the light of Thy presence, the darkness which envelopes me, and which, if it were not for Thee, would drag me down into the still deeper darkness of death. Convert the blasphemers, bring back to the light of faith the ignorant and the unbelievers, console the just, strengthen the weak, and grant that all, 

with one accent of faith and love, may exclaim with the Prophet; 

« Now, O' Lord, I follow Thee with my whole heart, 

I fear Thee and I seek after Thy adorable Face. » ( Dan. m , 41.)


 I present myself before Thy Holy Face, O' my Saviour, laden with my sins and the penalties which they have brought upon me. 

My sufferings are far less than what I deserve, for, although I am conscious of the just punishment of my sins, I do not, on that account, cease to commit fresh ones every day. I am bowed down under Thy scourges, and I do not become better; my heart is full of bitterness, and my obstinacy, in doing evil, remains for ever the same. 

My life passes away in misery, and I do not correct myself. When Thou chastise-st me, I make the best promises in the world; 

as soon as Thou lift-st up Thy hand, I forget all that I promised Thee. I make to Thee, O' God! a sincere confession of my sins; I protest in Thy presence, that if Thou do not show mercy upon me, I shall be in danger of perishing utterly. Grant me , my Saviour, 'King of the Universe',what I beg of Thee, although I do not deserve it, 

since Thou hast of Thy goodness drawn me out of nothingness to put me into a state wherein I can pray to Thee. Amen. 


I adore Thee, and I praise Thee, O' my divine Jesus, Son of the living God, for all the outrages Thou hast endured for me , who am the most miserable of Thy creatures, in all the sacred members of Thy body, but especially in the most noble part of Thyself, that is to say, in Thy Face. I salute Thee, amiable Face, wounded with blows and scourges, soiled with spittle and disfigured by the evil treatment which the impious Jews, the Romans and us sinners caused Thee to suffer. 

I salute you, O' lovely eyes! all bathed in the 

tears you have shed for my salvation. 

I salute you, sacred ears, tormented by an infinity 

of blasphemies, injuries and shameful mocking. 

I salute you, O' holy mouth! filled with grace and sweetness towards us sinners, and made to drink of vinegar and gall by the monstrous ingratitude of those whom Thou hadst chosen to be Thy people. 

In reparation for all these ignominies, I offer Thee all the homage which has been rendered Thee in the holy place where Thou hast willed to be honoured by the special devotion to which 

I unite myself with my whole heart. Amen.



O' Lord! wherefore hast Thou given me an imprint of Thy Holy Face, in the sad and pitiful state of Thy Passion? Why didst not Thou rather portray it with those sweet traits which enrapture all hearts, or with the dazzling splendor with which it was clothed on the day of Thy glorious Transfiguration? It seems to me as though Thy admirable beauty would have caused me to feel more delight in Thee and more love for Thee, and that the majesty of Thy Face would have inspired me with more reverence! Would not Thy august brow have worn a more gracious aspect, if it had been adorned with a crown of light, or with a diadem, than with only a circlet bristling with thorns? But no, divine Saviour! Thy Face in its dazzling glory is reserved to be for ever the object of the joy of the blessed in Paradise, but Thy Face, disfigured by the ignominy of Thy Passion, ought to be the ordinary subject of my veneration here below, and the model for my imitation. I shall every day experience that nothing is more efficacious for enkindling Thy love in my heart, for animating me to the practice of all kinds of virtues and for making me avoid all sin. Grant me then the grace, O' Amiable Saviour, so to compassionate Thy sufferings upon earth, that I may hereafter merit to participate in Thy triumph in heaven. In Your name; Jesus, I pray. Amen.  


O' Jesus! Thou must be God! Since Thou art patient enough still to remain in my midst! If Thou couId-est but find a sufficiency of friends possessed of the courage to interpose between Thee and the miserable people who conduct Thee back to Calvary!... But, as on the day of Thy Passion, Thou art alone among-st Thy enemies. Alas! do I not run the risk of losing all, if, illuminated by the light of faith which enables me to see what Thou art, O' Jesus! I do not at least imitate the witness of Thy death in our lively contrition? If it be not given to all of me to weep like Saint Peter, grant that I may strike my breasts like the populace which returned to Jerusalem distracted with grief at recognizing the proof of a deicide. O' Holy Spirit! 

Thou who didst enlighten the Apostles and didst reanimate their courage so energetically, inflame me also, with Thy divine fire, 

put into my mouth burning words after having enkindled in 

my heart the fire of Thy love, that becoming a new man, 

I may feel myself possessed of sufficient courage to throw 

myself into the midst of the ranks of the enemy. Grant me the 

grace to vanquish them and to oblige them to love Thee. 

Prayer of Reparation to the Holy Face

O' Lord Jesus! after having contemplated Thy features, 

disfigured by grief; after having meditated upon Thy Passion with compunction and love, how can my heart help being inflamed with a holy hatred of sin, which even now, still outrages Thy adorable Face? But, not allowing myself to be content with mere compassion, 

grant me the grace (if it be Your will) to follow Thee so closely on this new Calvary, that the opprobrium destined for Thee may rebound upon me. O' Jesus, and that I may at least have some small share

 in the expiation of sin. Amen. 

Offering of the Holy Face to the Eternal Father

Almighty God and Eternal Father, contemplate the Face of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I present it to Thee, Eternal Father with confidence for the glory of Thy Holy Name, for the exaltation of Thy holy Church, and for the salvation of the whole world. Most merciful Advocate, He opens His mouth to plead my cause and the cause 

of all men; listen to His cries, behold His tears, O' my God, 

and Thou wilt be touched with compassion towards us poor sinners who ask of Thee for grace and mercy, in His name. Amen. 

Prayer to the Holy Face for the feast of the Dedication

O' God of Host! who on the day of the dedication of the temple, 

in an effusion of merciful goodness, didst promise to listen, 

from the height of heaven, to those who should invoke Thy Name, 

and who should seek Thy Holy Face; grant to the associates of the Work of Reparation of blasphemy, prostate/stand before Thy adorable Face, the graces of which they have need in order efficaciously to work out are own salvation and to convert the blasphemers themselves, for whom Thy Holy Name is invoked 

with confidence. Thou, who livest and reign-est for ever and ever. Amen.

Aspiration towards the glorious Face of our Lord

O' Lord! at the thought of the blessings which the vision of Thy Face could not but shed upon the earth, the Prophet exclaims in a holy transport: « Happy the people who joyfully declare Thy glory...» 

O' Lord! permit me to aspire to this divine science, grant me to walk in the light of Thy Holy Face, and to rejoice in the praises which I

 will offer by day and night to Thy holy Name.

O' Saviour Jesus! at the sight of Thy most Holy Face, disfigured by grief, and at the sight of Thy Sacred Heart so full of love, I cry out with Saint Augustine: Lord Jesus, impress upon my heart Thy sacred wounds, that I may read therein at once Thy sorrow and Thy love; 

Thy sorrow, in order to suffer every affliction for Thee; 

Thy love, in order for Thee to despise every other love. Amen. 


Lord Jesus! when presenting myself before Thy adorable Face 

to entreat Thee for the graces of which I have need of, 

I beseech Thee, above all things, so to order the interior 

dispositions of my heart, that I may never refuse Thee aught 

that Thou Thyself ask-est of me every day, through Thy holy commandments and by Thy divine inspirations. Amen. 

O' good Jesus, who hast said: « Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you, » give me, if it be Thy will, the faith which supplies all, or else supply Thyself all that is wanting in me of faith; please grant me, by the sole effect of Thy charily and for Thy eternal glory, the graces of which I stand in 

need and which we look for from Thine infinite mercy. Amen. 

Be merciful unto me, O' my God! do not reject my prayers, 

when, in the midst of my afflictions, I call upon Thy holy Name 

and seek with love and confidence Thy adorable Face. Amen. 

We thank Thee, O' Lord Jesus, for all Thy benefits, and I entreat Thee to engrave in my heart feelings of love and of gratitude, putting upon my lips songs of thanksgiving to Thy eternal praise. Amen. 
Prayer by: 


May the Lord himself deign, together with us, to anoint this sick person and to restore him to health. In the name of the Father, 

and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Or, May the holy Names of Jesus, 

of Mary and of Joseph be known, blessed and glorified 

throughout the whole earth. Amen.


Thy word, O' Lord Jesus, granted to the happy paralytic, in the Gospel, the remission of his sins, before Thou said-st to him: Arise. Therefore, I, a miserable sinner, knowing and firmly believing, that Thou hast given to Thy priests power to remit sins, resolve to descend at once into the sacred bath of penitence, before calling upon the eyes of Thy mercy, to look upon my corporal infirmities. Then, submitting myself, heart and soul, to Thy most holy will, I will await, in peace, 

O' Lord, the accomplishment of my wishes here on earth, with the hope of contemplating, blessing and praising Thy adorable Face for ever and ever in heaven. In Your name I pray. Amen.


O' Lord Jesus, I entreated not Thy Face that I might turn from all my iniquities, and think on Thy truth. And the Lord hath watched upon the evil, and hath brought it upon me: the Lord my God is just in all his works which he hath done: for I have not hearkened to His voice. Now, therefore, O' my God, hear the supplication of Thy servant, and my earnest prayers: and shew Thy Face upon Thy sanctuary which is desolate, for Thy own sake. Incline, O' my God, Thy ear, and hear; open Thy eyes, and see my desolation, and the city upon which Thy Name is called: for it is not for my justifications that I present my prayers before Thy Face, but for the multitude of Thy tender mercies. O' Lord, hear: O' Lord, be appeased: hearken and do: delay not for Thy own sake, O' my God: because Thy Name is invocated upon Thy city, and upon Thy people. But there is no one who invokes this powerful name; there is none who lifts himself up to Thee, and who endeavors by his supplications to restrain the effects of Thy anger. Therefore, Thou hast turned away Thy Face from us, and Thou hast bruised us under the weight of our iniquities. Lord, look upon us in pity, keep no longer silence, and do not leave us a prey to such sharp sorrows. O', if Thou wouldst open the heavens and come down! 

The mountains would tremble before Thy Face. Thy name would 

be known among-st Thy enemies, the nations would be struck with terror. Cast Thy eyes upon me, and remember that I am Thy people. Amen.


O' Lord, have pity on me. 

O' Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, hear me. 

O' Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, graciously hear me. from the desire of being esteemed, --- deliver me ---

O' Jesus. from the desire of being loved, --- deliver me ---

O' Jesus. of being sought after, ---

of being praised, ---

of being honored, ---

of being preferred, ---

of being consulted, ---

of being approved, --- 

of being humored, ---

from the fear of being humbled, --- deliver me, O' Jesus ---

of being despised, ---

of being rebuffed, ---

of being calumniated, ---

of being forgotten, ---

of being mocked at, ---

of being scoffed, ---

of being insulted, ---

O' Mary, mother of the humble, pray for me. Saint Joseph, 

protector of humble souls, pray for me. Saint Michael, 

who was the first to tread pride under foot, pray for me. 

All the just who are sanctified, above all, 

by the spirit of humility, pray for me. 


O' Jesus, whose first lesson was this: Learn of me, 

who am meek and humble of heart, teach me to 

become  humble of heart like Thee. Amen. 


Pardon, pardon, O' my God, for the innumerable souls which are being lost, every day, around us. The devil rushes forth from the abyss, hurrying to make horrible conquests; he excites the infernal band; he exclaims: Souls! souls I let us hasten to ruin souls! 

— And souls fall like autumn leaves into the eternal abyss. 

We also, O' my God, we will cry: Souls! souls! 

We must have souls, wherewith to acquit the debt of gratitude 

we have contracted towards Thee; we ask them of Thee by the 

wounds of Jesus, our Saviour. These adorable wounds cry out to 

Thee even as so many powerful mouths. The King crowned with thorns demands subjects torn from the devil; we ask them from Thee, together with him and by him, for Thy greater glory, and by the intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, conceived without sin. Amen. 

 « O' my Jesus ! cast upon us a look of mercy; turn Thy Face towards each one of us, even as Thou didst turn to Veronica, not that we may see it with the eyes of our body, for we do not deserve to do so, 

but turn it towards our hearts, that, being sustained by Thee, 

we may ever draw from that powerful source, the vigor necessary

 to enable us to wage the combats we have to undergo. 

Eternal Father, we offer Thee the adorable Face of Thy well 

beloved Son for the honor and glory of Thy holy Name and 

for the salvation of all men. May I expire, burning with an ardent thirst to see the desirable Face of my Lord Jesus Christ! 


Blessed be Jesus! Blessed be the Holy Face of Jesus! 

Blessed be the Holy Face in the majesty and 

beauty of its heavenly featured! 

Blessed be the Holy Face through the words 

which issued from its divine mouth! 

Blessed be the Holy Face through all the glances 

which escaped from its adorable eyes! 

Blessed be the Holy Face in the Transfiguration of Tabor! 

Blessed be the Holy Face in the fatigues of its aposlolate! 

Blessed be the Holy Face in the bloody sweat of the agony!

Blessed be the Holy Face in the humiliations of the Passion! 

Blessed be the Holy Face in the sufferings of death! 

Blessed be the Holy Face in the splendour of the Resurrection! 

Blessed be the Holy Face in the glory of light eternal! 

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; The Lord show his Face to thee, and have mercy on thee; The Lord turn his countenance 

towards thee, and give thee peace. (Num., vi, 24 to 27.) 



Blessed be God. 

Blessed be his Holy Name.

Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. 

Blessed be the name of Jesus. 

Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. 

Blessed be the great mother of God, Mary most holy. 

Blessed be her holy and immaculate Conception. 

Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. 

Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints. 


Three Paler, three Ave, three Gloria Patri. Saint Michael and 

all the holy Angels, pray and fight for us! Saint Peter and 

all the holy Apostles, intercede for us! St. Ignatius, St. Teresa and 

all the inhabitants of the heavenly Jerusalem , pray for us! 

Aspirations during the day. May Thy Name, O' Lord, 

be known and blessed at all times, and in all places! Holy Mary, 

reign over us, thou and thy Son Jesus. Amen. 



May the most holy, 

most sacred, 

most adorable, 

most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God, 

be for ever 




adored and glorified, in heaven, on earth and in hell, 

by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of our 

Lord Jesus Christ  in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. 

act of praise in honour of the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity repeat praise three times.

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